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I want to put my hand on people's shoulders and calmly say 'take it easy'. So many times when I'm reading hn.

I mean its opensource so if you can point to where its doing that...

The initial models have a terrible issue with emitting the wrong "end of message" token, or never emitting one. The ones from today still have this issue. It's absolutely wild to me that MS is pulling this stuff with ~0 discussion or reputational repurcussions.

Can you state your point along with sharing that link please? I can't read minds - and I lean away from making assumptions.

You are making a conclusion based on rationality and governments operating correctly (ie. compromised based consensus between different sides of the political aisle)

Tom Cotton is a clown senator that is an symbol of the dysfunction of the US government of the last few decades. He along with a few frequent imbeciles are the reason there is so much dysfunction. If there was any redeeming factor of the current US system, he would be impeached and removed a long time ago.

All of the Fuji slide films are approaching $30 a roll now on the rare occasions they are available. The only black-and-white film Fuji is currently selling is "Neopan 100 Acros II," which is actually now made for them in the UK by Ilford.

I'm all for private ownership as I'm an Libertarian/AnCap. But long story short, we have a flawed world right now, and to make it better right now, we have to work within it and that means making a completely arbitrary line. One that optimizes freedom whilst balancing the longabuse, because it's clear to everyone not drinking the koolaid that social media is being used to affect public opinion.

We've crossed the boundary of pure private ownership of anything many years ago. Heck, I don't even have private ownership of my own body, so a say in a highly influential component of our society is a small price to pay to keep the evil at bay.

Yep. Acknowledged.

A lot of people are angry or don't understand the feature. Am I the only one who actually loves this feature? I'd say 50% of my interactions with GPT are "Make a command line to do X". Right now I have to copy/paste back and forth to the GPT and tell it what happened.

Having all of that built into the terminal is fantastic! The only feature I would ask for is obfuscation -- when I'm doing it for work, I am always careful that I change my question such that I get the right answer without revealing any company information.

Of course a solution to this is enabling someone to point at another model that they control, either locally or hosted privately.

Interesting incentive system being created here. You're going to give me $50 to remove an AI feature if I add one to another project?

Fascinating, childhood is truly a precious time.

Oh, I didn't see "future" war criminals. Yeah, not good.

>without my consent?

consent isn't needed, given that broadcasting your SSID in the open clearly fails the "expectation of privacy" test.

Also from a practical angle, what exactly are you trying to prevent? That there's a wifi router at your house?

The "kisnet"?

Funny, I just switched to alacritty after using iTerm2 for over a decade because I wanted to get closer to a no frills experience (do one thing well). This was after trying warp terminal which is firmly heading in the opposite direction. Whatever the case, it’s nice to have a bunch of great options.

Just wait until the enshittification hits. The power and compute to train and run AI models aren't free and all of these products integrating AI are going to get... interesting when the AI companies start trying to get to profitability.

So you'd do it for free?

The project is FOSS and the feature is disabled without the key installed. https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2

I'm wondering if they've experimented with higher endurance lifecycles risking larger % of failures relying on redundancy and replication to migrate data, or encountered increased OpEx costs.

I meant something akin to recommendation engines like TikTok’s, applied to generative models instead of user-generated content.

Start-off with generic, "one size fits all", generated content, using a few parameters such as rough area, time of day, time of the wear, what’s currently popular at that time in that area, what’s popular with the person who created the link if they got in through that, etc.

Then, use the player’s actions (playtime, engagement, sharing, whatever) to infer preferences, and fine-tune the model using both context (time of day, location, other players if multiplayer, etc) and those preferences.

Again, recommendation engine, applied to generative models.

I wouldn’t wager on how distant or close that future will be.

I don’t think it’s doable today, but people are certainly working on it and some duct tape (sorry, heuristics and expert systems) may be able to somewhat fill the gap in current or near-future models’ capabilities.

But I’m certain (unless copyright laws end up killing such use cases), that it’s the future for both streaming platforms (Netflix, Disney, Spotify & all), content-driven "social" media (TikTok, YouTube, Instagram,…) and video games. Some might doubt it can rival with the greatest movies, books, or games, but it doesn’t need to. These platforms are mostly filled with cheap filler content.

I just hope we’ll find a way to preserve those industries so we can keep getting great new things.

One of the most influential people in computer history. I'm glad I got to exchange a few mails with him a few years ago. RIP, GB.

New thread ;-). This is the cloudflare-is-a-big-man-in-the-middle-operation meme. When a site uses Cloudflare the traffic is encrypted between the visitor and Cloudflare, and then (possibly) re-encrypted between Cloudflare and the site.

As a large percentage of all internet traffic is going through Cloudflare, they could spy on us or let $GOV_AGENCY spy on us.

There is no evidence and Cloudflare is (or at least used to be) somewhat of a HN darling, so it's perhaps not so popular to say, but I wouldn't be hugely surprised if turned out PRISM 2.0 involved them.


I like Go's approach, which ensures that all upgrades happen when you choose to do some upgrades.

(For apps, a lock file will do it too.)

Everyone should make music. Singing to yourself doesn't make it valueless. Singing with family and friends provides great value.

You were sold a lie that only certain people make good music and you need to spend money.

> it is a toad skinned frog

Throws phone on the floor and goes outside.

I like it iff I can hover over the human readable version to get the actual timestamp.

Curses. He spoiled all the fun.

I can only read the OP (OT? OX?) on his site, so who pissed him off this time? Microsoft? Apple? Both?

One small shareholder group isn't going to change a thing. Elon will still get his well deserved bonus.

They will say the same thing in 100 years.

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